Edgar W. and Margaret MacDonald Stanton Memorial Carillon

Throughout the twentieth century, the Bells of Iowa State have sounded across campus. Donated by one of the university's first graduates, the bells initially rang in 1899. Since then, they have become an Iowa State University tradition, remembered with affection by both alumni and campus visitors.


Upcoming Events (Summer 2024)

Weekday Carillon Concerts 
Twenty-minute concerts are performed at 11:50 am each weekday. For Summer '24, the dates are May 13 - May 31 and June 10 - July 12, except May 27 (Memorial Day) and July 4 (Independence Day).

Campanile Tours: Information
Music by Requests: Send Requests

CAMPANILE-CARILLON MODEL a 1:5 replica of the campanile and a 27-bell carillon: Information