Who We Are

Project Team
l. to r. James Heise, Mikesch Muecke, James Alleman, and Tin-Shi Tam. Jacqulyn Baughman, David Ringholz and Yelda Turkan (not shown).

ME415 Spring 2016
Back row: Kevin Houlihan, Isaac Droessler, Madison Lucz, Jose Martinez.
Front row: Aaron Hett, Mackenzie Sissel, Daniel Obren, Rongcheng Xu, Yilong Liu, Michael Bondi.

ME466 Fall 2016
l. to r. Ethan Henry, Nathan Scheirer, Patrick Keep, Ryan Cazin, Nor Alia Izwanis Roni, Mohamad Aqeel Izani, Muhammad Omar Raghib.

ME415 & ME490H Spring 2017
l. to r. ME490H - Patrick Keep. ME415 - Phil Pakes, German Barcenas, Michael Conroy, Jonathan Hermsen, Jacob Vogts, Professor Heise.

ME415 Fall 2017
l. to r. Samuel Wendt, Jeffrey Grayczyk, Jacob Jordan, Eric Riesberg, Matthew Eckdahl.

ME415 Spring 2018
l. to r. Colten Ransdell, Ahmad Shehata, Calvin Leibrock, Andrew Brinks, Scout Crow, Professor James Heise, Adam Stedronsky, James Sheridan, Joseph Rogers, Mubarak Almansoori, Brett Urbas (not shown).

ECpE491 Spring 2018
l. to r. Nicolaus Cory, Rob Holm, Cody Neltner, Johnathan Germick, Zach Reznicek.

ME415 Fall 2018
l. to r. Professor James Heise, Collin Maloney, Jia Khor, Brian Mercer, Emily Pikul, Arianna Anderson, Espen Cleveland, Patrick Hennessey, Rhett Thys.

ECpE492 Fall 2018
l. to r. Zach Reznicek, Cody Neltner, Rob Holm, Johnathan Germick, Brian Weber.

ME415 Spring 2019
Julian Bailes, James Davis, Sophia Hutson, Peter Meis, Colin Mikulec, Anna Riesen, Kevin Saetia, Bryan Siegerin, Pete Stoller, Faiz Sukhairi, Walker Weiss.

ECpE491 Spring 2019
l. to r. Gabriel Stackhouse, Kienan Otto, Grant Mullen, Yicheng Hao, Samuel Habel, Ryan Roltgen.

ME415 Fall 2019
l. to r. Ryan Freiburg, Jessica Storer, Courtney Smyth, Jesse Bowdino.

ME415 Fall 2019
l. to r. Loke Jien Wong, Devin Harmon, David Breno, Daniel Schwalb, Sam Vande Loo.

ECpE492 Fall 2019
l. to r. Grant Mullen, Kienan Otto, Ryan Roltgen, Samuel Habel, Yicheng Hao, Gabriel Stackhouse.

ME415 Spring 2020
l. to r. Charles Wickham, Riley Behr, Katelyn Gilbertson, Logan Sperfslage, Jonathan Stock.

ME466 Spring 2020
l. to r. Benjamin Newhouse, Cody Hornyak, Nicole Keehr, Professor Robert Sunderman, Christopher Jenkins, Brian Sanders, Simon Duster.

ME415 Fall 2020
Abdulrahman Alhamed, Nicholas Bradley, Mitchell Kiska, Andrew Okumah, Jacob Rhodes, Sofia Rodriguez, Benjamin Schimke, Matthew Schroer, Derek Smith, Kaelyn Swetala.

ME466 Spring 2021
Ethan Buss, David DeTar, Kaustubh Dube, William Earley, Natalie Figueroa, Aditya Gohain, Rodolfo Gonzalez, Andrew Lindner, Jason Nguyen.

ME415 Fall 2021
l. to r. Jimmy Wu, Conner Stonewall, Claire Hergott, Joseph Kreikemeier, Faith Cornish, Benjamin Reuter.

ME415 Fall 2021
l. to r. Ava Depping, Bella Guyll, Matthew Sporre, Matthew Pamperin, Abigail Carey.

TSM416 Fall 2021
Back row: Professor Gretchen Mosher, Nicholas Bissen, Kyle Kretzschmar, Caleb Senecal, Adam Tidman, Charlie Wiese. Front row: Lambros Karkazis, Bryce Smith, Jet Thephanonxay, Jarred Berggren, Zach Plesnicar (not shown).

ME415 Spring 2022
l. ro r. Andrew Claude, Kelvin Monmany, Conner Simmons, Raleigh Swanson, Megan Lowell, Chloe Grice, Ryan Myhre, Maxwell Cannon, Conor Brainard.

Student Carillonneur Leadership Council
Fall 2017 - l. to r.: Casey Cunningham, Sarah Reger, Macklin Derscheid, and Johnathan Germick.

MUS118E Class & Interdisciplinary
Spring 2016 - l. to r.: Johnathan Germick, Aaron Forest, and Casey Cunningham.

Stanton Memorial Carillon Foundation
April 2017 - Stanton Memorial Carillon Foundation members with ME415 class and carillon students.