To bring together people who are passionate about carillon music and its tradition at Iowa State University.
- Provide network building among carillon students and alumni.
- Help increase awareness of carillon activities on campus.
- Ensure the campanile and carillon remain prominent and functioning icons of Iowa State.
Member Roles
- Get connected. Follow the group on Twitter and like on Facebook.
- Listen and Watch. Support the carillon students, university carillonneur, and visiting carillonneurs by attending concerts.
- Proudly share your ISU Carillon story with others.
- Invite others to concerts or society events.
If interested in joining the Society, contact Amy Brandau at abrandau@hotmail.com.
Amy Brandau, President
Michael Pawlovich, Vice-President
Eric Wittrock, Secretary
Board of Directors:
Amy Brandau abrandau@hotmail.com
Michael Pawlovich tigerpaw@isualum.com
Eric Wittrock ewittroc@yahoo.com
Julie Hart jumaha20@hotmail.com
Debra Schiel-Larson dlarson@ci.johnston.ia.us
Tin-Shi Tam tstam@iastate.edu